AGWM — A Strong Partner
We leave the world a better place and are celebrated when we plan well and choose strong legacy partner like AGWM.

AGWM — A Strong Partner
We leave the world a better place and are celebrated when we plan well and choose strong legacy partners. A strong legacy partner:
Financial Options
Partner with AGWM and maximize your gift with tax savings.
In all the world there is no one quite like you – you are unique. God has made you to fill a special place in His Kingdom. As a one-of-a-kind individual (or family), your estate planning and generosity desires are also unique.
Your plans and gifts will be like none other – and you don’t have to settle for cookie-cutter solutions. To help you achieve stewardship success in your estate and gift design, we offer a variety of services – each one guided by Biblical principles and time-proven, tax-advantaged strategies. And each one capable of helping you discover God’s unique plan of stewardship for you.
You can explore these options:
If we can help you achieve your stewardship goals – and our services are provided without cost or obligation – please contact us.

Friends Like You
Read stories of friends like you who have partnered with AGWM tell their story.
Video Testimony
Jack Thurman: AGWM is a trusted partner
Art Vallely: Reviewing my estate plan, a second opinion
The Bates Family: Reviewing our legacy
Explore the many choices within AGWM and give where your heart is.
AGWM’s avenues of giving provide opportunities across a broad spectrum of ministries that are likely to include those that have touched your heart. Your legacy can be expressed through compassion, lasting infrastructure, training future leaders, Bible distribution, children’s ministries, and more. These areas have been part of the DNA of AGWM for decades and will continue to grow.

Featured Avenues of Giving
Africa's Hope provides training and resources to over 23,000 emerging leaders through Bible colleges and training programs. Project Rescue is a mission founded in 1997 that aims to rescue and restore victims of sexual exploitation through the love and power of God. Live Dead is committed to taking the church where it does not exist by planting churches among unreached people groups through multi-national teams. ChildHope represents the largest network of evangelical Christian schools in Latin America, with 300 schools in 20 countries affecting the lives of more than 100,000 children each day.
Training and Education: Africa's Hope
Africa’s Hope equips and resources over 23,000 emerging leaders through the efforts of more than 380 Bible colleges and training programs.
- These students carry the hope of the gospel and are highly dedicated to seeing a healthy church established within walking distance of every African.
- Now, more than ever, there is a renewed call to action. In the new decade ahead, our mission remains the same.
- By 2030, because of the faithful prayers and financial support from friends like you, our goal is to have thousands of new leaders fulfilling God’s call on their lives and bringing hope to their communities.
- Ministry Website
Compassion and Relief: Project Rescue
Together, we can restore hope.
Since Project Rescue was founded in 1997, we’ve been on a mission to rescue and restore victims of sexual exploitation through the love and power of God. Each Project Rescue affiliated site is launched by courageous men and women of God, often starting with street outreach in areas of prostitution. No two partnerships are exactly the same, but all caregivers offer God’s love, liberating truth, and compassionate, holistic care. In each of the areas we serve, leaders and staff work 24/7 with survivors of sexual slavery and trafficking to support them on their journey toward restoration.
Evangelism and Discipleship: Live Dead
Live Dead Plants Churches Among Unreached People Groups Through Teams
- Live Dead is committed to taking the church where it does not exist. We are committed to making a difference in the statistic that 40% of the world lives without access to Christ. Live Dead’s strategy to execute this vision is to plant churches among unreached people groups through multi-national teams. Whatever our engagement, our goal is churches.
- Live Dead currently has 80 teams working to see church planting movements among 80 unreached peoples. In the areas where Live Dead is located, there are over 4,600 UPGS and 2.99 billion unreached. God help us, there is so much more to be done. We are eager to partner with all the body of Christ (other agencies, local believers, and national churches) to see Jesus glorified globally.
- Ministry Website
Children: ChildHope
Latin America and Caribbean ChildHope (formerly Latin America ChildCare) represents the largest network of evangelical Christian schools in Latin America—300 schools in 20 countries affecting the lives of more than 100,000 children each day.
The shared vision of ChildHope is:
- Caring for children through nutrition, health care and spiritual formation programs.
- Applying knowledge and skills in the real-life context of students.
- Sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ through our words and deeds with children, their families and their community.